Welcome to Daniel Levitt’s pathway page! In this page you will be able to peruse three short essays I’ve written about where I was when I started my journey in the MAET program, where I am now as a soon-to-be graduate of the MAET program, and where I hope to be in the future.
Thank you very much for taking an interest in me and my journey through educational technology. I hope you enjoy my writings.
A Long Time (2 Years) Ago…. – My goal reflection paper. This is where I look back on what my goals were coming into the program and reflect upon how I moved towards the goals or even how they changed.
To Infinity and Beyond!!! — My future as a Learner where I discuss how my current situation as a learner and education and where I’d like to head next.
Synthesize Me — What did I learn? What was the most impactful experiences that molded my time with MAET? This essay discusses how everything “came together” to form my identity as an Educational Technologist, if you will.